Yeah, I'm still here. I haven't blogged lately, obviously, so thought I would tonight. A lot has been happening lately. From the motor dying on my old car on Friday the 13th, to finishing my old job of 5 & a half years, to getting a new car, and then starting a new job! I'm so happy the long weekend is almost here, I need to sleep in!
Last night I had my first hot stone massage. It was great, but not long enough. Could have stayed there forever! least as long as my small bladder would let me...then I got a pedicure, which was badly needed. My poor feet had blisters from one of the long runs I did. Which brings me to running...I haven't been keeping up with my training this past couple of weeks. There's not enough hours in the day, or enough energy in me lately to keep up with everything! Today I went to Zumba though, and then did a short run. I hope to get a couple of long runs in this weekend, because only 2 weeks from Sunday is the half marathon!
Ciao for now!
The principle is competing against yourself. It's about self-improvement, about being better than you were the day before. - Steve Young
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Monday, May 9, 2011

Aspire to climb as high as you can dream. I guess this goes along side the quote that if you dream it, you can do it. One of my dreams was to become a runner, and I'm doing it! I'm very happy with myself for that :) I didn't think of myself as ambitious before, but a few people have mentioned this in the past few weeks when referring to me, and I thought of it, and I guess I am. I like a challenge, I like to try new things. Sometimes it's not always for me, but at least I take the leap and try it right? :)
I'm starting a new job this coming Monday. I've been with my current job for 5 and a half years. I was comfortable, but a new opportunity came up, so I took a leap. We will see how I like it, hopefully it's great! I like change, so it should be good.
Back to running though. This past Saturday I ran 22km, my longest run ever. It took me about 3 hours and 10 minutes, which is a lot longer than I would have liked, but let me pick up for myself a bit here. My double-layer socks were dirty, and I didn't put any body glide on my feet, so I ended up getting crazy blisters that slowed me down big time. I was actually going to walk back home after 6km, but kept going. I also had a bit of a cold, and even brought tissues with me and had to stop to blow my nose a few times, lol. AND I stopped at a friends house for a few minutes to refuel, get more water, and have a pee break after 12km. So all-in-all, not too shabby I suppose. But boy oh boy my legs were sore afterwards! I came home and had a nice bath (not hot though, because cold is better to soothe your muscles after running!)
Only 27 more days til the Half Marathon in San Diego! From this past run I've learned some things. I definately have to bring some gels with me and put in my running belt. You have to have enough carbs (aka energy) in your body to do a run like this. At least at the actual race there will be tables on the sidelines with refuel items, which will be good. Also, I must wear my double layer socks and body glide. BTW - Body glide is excellent for preventing under arm chaffing when running with a tank top on. :)
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Yesterday, I was thinking about Persistence. It came up in my thoughts a few times actually, and regarding different matters. So of course, I googled a picture, but I came across two that I like, and didn't want to choose between them.
Here is the first one:
This first quote, to me, tells you that it doesn't matter if you are not the stronger one, if you continue to do something, you will eventually get through.
Here is the second picture:
This is also an interesting quote. "If there is no struggle there is no progress". In other words, don't give up, if you don't struggle a little, you won't get any further.
Just something for everyone to think about! :)
Here is the first one:

Here is the second picture:

One of the reasons I was thinking of persistence is with this fundraiser for Blood cancers that I was doing. There were many times when I could have given up. I was dedicated to raising $3500, and that's a lot of money to raise. I went out door to door raising a few times, and I'd say about 90-95% of the houses either answered and said no, or didn't answer the door at all when I could clearly see that they were home, either peeping through the windows or had about 4 cars in the driveway! One lady even came, opened the door and before I even said anything, she said "Not interested" very rudely and shut the door. Someone told me I should of said "Oh I was just coming to tell you that you won something, but if you're not interested, I'll leave again!" Haha, how rude though! I would have prefered if she would have been the one of many that just didn't answer the door at all!
There was one time I went out, and I was at the 5th house of either No's or Ignores, and I actually was right beside my car. I was so close to just giving up and getting back in the car and going home. Something nudged me to go on though, so I decided to at least finish the street, and you know what, the very next house donated $5! So then I was not so discouraged. There was even one man that had said no, and by the time I made it around the cul-de-sac, I was across from his house again at another house, and when I left the door to come back on the street (from yet another Ignore) He came out of his house over to me and gave me some change, he said "I had to give you something, I see you out here going to all the doors so I thought I would come give you some change". I believe I had tears in my eyes as I thanked him, because he could have easily forgot about me once he shut the door, and this was right after the rude lady. To me, this is persistence, to keep going and not give up, you don't know who may be watching, and what opportunities you may miss.
Speaking of opportunities. I will leave you with a note that an Arbonne leader gave us that someone told her:
A man told her that he believes when we get to Heaven, there will be 3 big screens in front of us. The first one will be all the wrong things you did in life. The last screen would be all good things you did in life. He feels that this screen will be much shorter then his first. The middle screen though, is the worse screen to look at. It's the list of all the opportunities that you missed out on.
Just something for everyone to think about! :)
Monday, April 25, 2011

You have to let adversity make you stronger. As the saying goes, learn from your mistakes, or what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. The list goes on with these little "quirks" we hear, but truly think about these little sayings, and what they mean.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
It's Over!
The long weekend is over! It was great while it lasted, but as always, could have been longer, lol.
I got my Halo painting finished! Here it is:

I got my Halo painting finished! Here it is:

I'm getting lots of orders now for paintings, it's great! :) It feels good to be back into painting. It's been way too long. I'm here now waiting for 3 canvas' to dry, I could blow dry them, but the hubby is beside me sleeping, so don't wanna wake him up.
I got a run in yesterday, 10km. I was supposed to do 15km, but I ran out of water so I went home because I was getting dehydrated. Today was rest day, so I'll run again tomorrow.
Dinner at the sister-in-law's was great. Which brings me to another topic.. I was talking to my Mom this morning, and she had already known that I went to the sister-in-laws before I even said it, so I realized that she must have read it on my blog. That got me thinking; I wonder who actually does read my blog? So I want to try something out. If you are reading this from a post I put on my Facebook page, can you please "like" the post when you are done reading this. Pretty please? I'm just curious now as to if anyone's out there reading it. :)
Well I must run along now and get to painting a little more before bedtime.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Long Weekend!
Happy Easter Everyone!
What's everyone's plans for the long weekend? We are having dinner at the sister-in-laws tomorrow. I'm also hoping that this will be a productive weekend for me. I want to get a lot of paintings done, it's now crunch-time! Next Friday is my goal deadline for The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society I'm raising money for. If anyone reading this would like to donate, here's the link! :D
I actually only need $400 more! The website hasn't updated yet because it's waiting on the Paypal to go through.
Anyways, I found a new salad I like! I bought one at Williams, and then I decided to make it myself to save money. It's mixed greens with strawberries and poppyseed dressing, scrumptious!
Here's a pic of it before I added the dressing. The one at Williams also has feta cheese and a few manderins and seeds. I didn't have that though, so I made do with what I had.
Trying to eat better. I've been eating oatmeal for breakfast lately. Some people don't like oatmeal, but I love it! Whether it's plain oatmeal, or Peaches and Cream, Maple and Brown Sugar, Berries Oatmeal at Tims or anything!
Well, I must go and start my productive weekend! I wish everyone a fabulous fun-filled weekend surrounded by friends and family!
What's everyone's plans for the long weekend? We are having dinner at the sister-in-laws tomorrow. I'm also hoping that this will be a productive weekend for me. I want to get a lot of paintings done, it's now crunch-time! Next Friday is my goal deadline for The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society I'm raising money for. If anyone reading this would like to donate, here's the link! :D
I actually only need $400 more! The website hasn't updated yet because it's waiting on the Paypal to go through.
Anyways, I found a new salad I like! I bought one at Williams, and then I decided to make it myself to save money. It's mixed greens with strawberries and poppyseed dressing, scrumptious!

Trying to eat better. I've been eating oatmeal for breakfast lately. Some people don't like oatmeal, but I love it! Whether it's plain oatmeal, or Peaches and Cream, Maple and Brown Sugar, Berries Oatmeal at Tims or anything!
Well, I must go and start my productive weekend! I wish everyone a fabulous fun-filled weekend surrounded by friends and family!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
I got home today, made Shake & Bake chicken, rice and caesar salad. Ate and cleaned up with the boys. Checked Facebook out for a bit (of course), fed fish, took out one that died :( Saw that one of the new ones I bought has Ick which is probably why now 2 fish and the new frog died since last week. Luckily I have Ick tablets handy from the last time this happen and hopefully it clears it up before wiping out more fish. Then I cleaned Zoeys litter, sat back down to the table with my laptop, and was going to just waste away the evening on the internet.
I thought about this though, and what I've blogged about, and said nope, not having another evening go by with nothing done, because once you get sucked in, time just flies by and before you know if, it's bed time. So I went upstairs to my Easel, and started painting. :D
I spent two hours on it, and this is what it looks like so far:

Halo Reach. What happened to the one-dimenional days of easy things that kids liked. Haha, would have been much easier to paint something like Sonic the Hedgehog! I have 4 more guys to do in this painting, then I start a co-workers cat, Pablo.
I thought about this though, and what I've blogged about, and said nope, not having another evening go by with nothing done, because once you get sucked in, time just flies by and before you know if, it's bed time. So I went upstairs to my Easel, and started painting. :D
I spent two hours on it, and this is what it looks like so far:

Halo Reach. What happened to the one-dimenional days of easy things that kids liked. Haha, would have been much easier to paint something like Sonic the Hedgehog! I have 4 more guys to do in this painting, then I start a co-workers cat, Pablo.
This past Saturday, my friend and I went to an Arbonne training. There were 4 ladies who did speeches, such inspirational people! They told us how to stay motivated, even if you hear No just move on, don't let it get to you. One quote they mentioned is this one by Zig Ziglar:
In other words, you have to keep getting yourself motivated in order to be successful. It's human nature to lose interest in things, but if you want to keep going, then stay focused, keep motivated. They actually recommended to set aside at least 30 minutes a day to read (or listen to!) personal development and/or motivational books or CD's. Sure, what comes to mind when I think of the CD's is someone on the movies with head phones on listening to a self help CD. But you know what, it probably works! I believe I would prefer the books though, but whatever floats your boat, go with it!

Monday, April 18, 2011
Since Spring is here, I decided to "Spring Clean" my blog. This picture above hit home for me. I'm someone that always likes to keep busy and do new things. The problem is, I have to make sure I commit to them. Like this blog for instance, take a look at my posts, I lose interest and stop posting. I have to make time for this blog, it's something I wanted to keep up with, because these days it's much easier to keep an online journal than it is to keep a written journal, since we're online all the time! So if I can be on Facebook for sometimes hours if I get sucked in like a lot of us seem to do, then I should be able to commit to my blog for even just 5-10 minutes a day. It's a healthy thing to keep a blog, did you know that? It lets you express your feelings, get them out in the open. For me it's probably healthy, because if I'm writing down what I'm thinking, then maybe I won't be up all night thinking of things and not sleeping like I always seem to do! Anyways, back to commitment. As you have seen in previous posts, I'm running a half marathon, and lately I'm not running as much as I should, mainly because last week I was feeling crappy, so I didn't do my runs, then of course you know what happens...COUCH POTATO SETS IN. Then it tries to take over, and boy, lemme tell you, it can easily take over. Then it's hard to get back into your running, but today on my lunch break, I forced myself to go, and bam! Just one run in, and I already feel much better. Now let me pick up for myself a bit though, it's not like I was a total couch potato these past couple of weeks. I did get things done. I'm raising money for The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Canada, and as a way of raising money I've been doing paintings for donations, so I've been working on that, but if I commited to it a little more, I would of got a lot more done in a shorter period of time, instead of watching TV and surfing the web. Anyways, it's bed time now, so I will get to bed and post again tomorrow..hear that, tomorrow, so I'm commiting to it! :)
Monday, March 14, 2011
Still Going!
Well, as you know I haven't been keeping up with this blog, so I thought I would update it tonight.
I'm still going with the running. I just got back from doing 3.02km in 26.10 minutes. That was after doing an hour long Zumba class, which was AWESOME. It was my first time going to a Zumba class, my friend Maggie got me to go. It's like an upbeat dance class mixed with step, I'll definately be going again, something new and exciting to add to my exercise routine.
I'm just sitting here now drinking Powerade. Powerade replenishes the electrolytes you lose while exercising. If you are exercising excessively, like running for instance, it's very important to get these electrolytes replenished or it can cause dehydration! I'm learning a lot from this "Team in Training" we joined, and any tidbits I can give others I will. :)
I'm happy it's getting warmer now, I will start running outside instead of on the treadmill. Well actually the last 3 Saturday's I've been running outside with the rest of the Team in Training members, the first Saturday it was snowing, the second raining, and the third not too shabby at all!
I'll blog again later!
I'm still going with the running. I just got back from doing 3.02km in 26.10 minutes. That was after doing an hour long Zumba class, which was AWESOME. It was my first time going to a Zumba class, my friend Maggie got me to go. It's like an upbeat dance class mixed with step, I'll definately be going again, something new and exciting to add to my exercise routine.
I'm just sitting here now drinking Powerade. Powerade replenishes the electrolytes you lose while exercising. If you are exercising excessively, like running for instance, it's very important to get these electrolytes replenished or it can cause dehydration! I'm learning a lot from this "Team in Training" we joined, and any tidbits I can give others I will. :)
I'm happy it's getting warmer now, I will start running outside instead of on the treadmill. Well actually the last 3 Saturday's I've been running outside with the rest of the Team in Training members, the first Saturday it was snowing, the second raining, and the third not too shabby at all!
I'll blog again later!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Day 2
Day 2 of training!
Schedule says 3 km.
My distance/time: 3.02km in 27:10 minutes
Tomorrow the schudule says to rest, and that I will since it's my birthday and the first full day in Cuba!!
I'll update this when I'm back!!
Ta Ta for now.
Schedule says 3 km.
My distance/time: 3.02km in 27:10 minutes
Tomorrow the schudule says to rest, and that I will since it's my birthday and the first full day in Cuba!!
I'll update this when I'm back!!
Ta Ta for now.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Day 1
Yesterday was our "Kick Off" party for the half marathon training. We got our t-shirts, and our schedules. So I thought I would start keeping track of that on here.
Also, since I'm keeping track, I will also put my time on here to see how I'm progressing. It's easy to forget, so while it's fresh in my mind I'll blog it.
Today on the schedule, I'm supposed to run 3k.
My distance and time: 3.21km in 29.13 minutes.
Also, since I'm keeping track, I will also put my time on here to see how I'm progressing. It's easy to forget, so while it's fresh in my mind I'll blog it.
Today on the schedule, I'm supposed to run 3k.
My distance and time: 3.21km in 29.13 minutes.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Pain is gain!
Last week I didn't work out much after Tuesday because I had the stomach flu. Boy, that really stops you in your tracks! But on Sunday, I was good as new, all refreshed, relaxed and ready to work out again. I went to my second Sunday boot camp class with the new instructor. To 'warm up' we jogged, then lunged around the room. Then we went into the circuits with a partner. Today is two days later, and my butt and leg muscles are still hurting! Tonight I have yoga though, so it should stretch my muscles out a but more. I also ran 3 km today, really got to step it up a notch to prepare for this half marathon which by the way, is like 21 km!
16 more days til Cuba!!
16 more days til Cuba!!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Awesome workout today!
I did another boot camp today at my gym. It was an instructor I've never had, and the work out was awesome! It's great when you work out for a while, and you can see that you are progressing because you are picking up your pace. It motivates you even more! The music she had today was awesome as well, when working out, it's all about the music. If you stay focused on the music, and keep with the pace of the beat, you'll do great. I had a piece of toast and scrambled eggs with peppers pre-workout. Post-workout I had a smoothy, frozen raspberries, milk, vanilla protein and fibre. Tasted great. It's Arbonne products might I add. I fine that the protein doesn't have that chalky taste that a lot of protein powders have. Arbonne's protein is made from natural sources(because they're vegan) and not from whey protein, maybe this makes the difference in the taste? Anyways, I like it, and if I didn't I would be honest!
25 days til Cuba!
25 days til Cuba!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
A New Day
Muscles are a little sore today, especially my stomach muscles. I'm giving them a break today to rest, so I didn't do any weights today, just ran 3.36 km on the treadmill. I really like running, it feels great afterwards. It's also awesome on the treadmill because you can see how you are progressing, and increase the speed. Once it gets warmer outside I'll start running outside again in the park.
I've also been eating great lately! I've been eating eggs, tuna, sandwiches, whole wheat pasta, fruits, and even when I snack, I've been snacking on celery! You burn more calories chewing celery than is actually in it.
Very proud of myself, haha.
I've also been eating great lately! I've been eating eggs, tuna, sandwiches, whole wheat pasta, fruits, and even when I snack, I've been snacking on celery! You burn more calories chewing celery than is actually in it.
Very proud of myself, haha.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Feeling great!
Again I am not keeping up with this blog, I got a reminder from Char! :)
I've been doing really good, and have been getting back into running lately. A good partner with running is Yoga! So I joined yoga class, I started last night, and will be doing that on Tuesdays. Yoga is good with running because it stretches your muscles and can prevent injuries. It's not hot yoga though, which I love, but it'll do. I also joined two boot camp classes, I'll be started this Sunday at 11:30, and I joined one on Wednesdays at 6:15 am, yes that's right, 6:15 AM. So I got my butt out of bed this morning at 5:30, stuffed my face with a slice of bread for some carbs, went outside to clean 5+ inches of snow off my car, froze my fingers in the meantime because I lost my gloves, drove on terrible unplowed roads to the gym, just to get my butt whooped by Tom the fitness instructor. Now that's dedication if I must say so myself!! That was about 45 minutes, then I got a shower at the gym, came home and got ready, made myself some eggs to refuel and am here typing this before I even go to work, and I feel great!!
Only 29 days til Cuba!!!
I've been doing really good, and have been getting back into running lately. A good partner with running is Yoga! So I joined yoga class, I started last night, and will be doing that on Tuesdays. Yoga is good with running because it stretches your muscles and can prevent injuries. It's not hot yoga though, which I love, but it'll do. I also joined two boot camp classes, I'll be started this Sunday at 11:30, and I joined one on Wednesdays at 6:15 am, yes that's right, 6:15 AM. So I got my butt out of bed this morning at 5:30, stuffed my face with a slice of bread for some carbs, went outside to clean 5+ inches of snow off my car, froze my fingers in the meantime because I lost my gloves, drove on terrible unplowed roads to the gym, just to get my butt whooped by Tom the fitness instructor. Now that's dedication if I must say so myself!! That was about 45 minutes, then I got a shower at the gym, came home and got ready, made myself some eggs to refuel and am here typing this before I even go to work, and I feel great!!
Only 29 days til Cuba!!!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
A New Year!
Dearest Blog, I am terrible, please forgive me. The Christmas rush is over, so I can focus on working out and eatting better again, and no, I will not make it my resolution. That's so predictable, I wanted to do this before the new year, so I won't call it my resolution. What is my resolution though, is to bring more lunches to work instead of buying them! :) Anyways, since all the hustle and bustle of Christmas has been over, I've been doing pretty good with eating healthy again, and I've went to the gym a few times.
36 days from now I'm going to Cuba, so I need to be bikini ready!!!
So far this week, I did 15 minutes of running on the treadmill during lunchbreak on Monday, and then worked out most of my muscle groups on the machines.
Yesterday I did 30 minutes on the crosstrainer in the "Hill" program.
Today, we will see..might need to take a break to let my muscles relax a little, or just work on my abs, because I didn't focus on that yet this week.
Ta ta for now!
36 days from now I'm going to Cuba, so I need to be bikini ready!!!
So far this week, I did 15 minutes of running on the treadmill during lunchbreak on Monday, and then worked out most of my muscle groups on the machines.
Yesterday I did 30 minutes on the crosstrainer in the "Hill" program.
Today, we will see..might need to take a break to let my muscles relax a little, or just work on my abs, because I didn't focus on that yet this week.
Ta ta for now!
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