Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmas Rush

As you can see, I haven't been writing in here much. That's because I've been failing miserably lately, lol. I haven't been to the gym in almost a week, and I feel BLAH! I've been very busy though, so I shouldn't be so hard on myself. Friday I had the day off work because we had a wedding to go to, so I was preparing for that in the morning, then was there all day. Then Saturday I had a meeting with my Arbonne Upline, starting up my business, then after that we had a Christmas party to go to that night. Sure, I could have went to the gym on Sunday, but all I wanted to do was rest!! Which is what Sunday is for right? Well, I still ended up going out and getting some Christmas gifts. Then yesterday I went to the Arbonne distribution centre to pick up my business tools! So last night I was just going through that, and didn't go to the gym either. So tonight I MUST go! I haven't been eating that great lately either, as I mentioned before about the parties we went to, well of course they all involved food, and LOTS of it. Then yesterday at work we had a Christmas potluck which inolved a lot more food and then waking up in the middle of the night with heartburn, not fun. That was my breaking point, I decided I must wake up and get back on track just as I was blogging about. Then I come online and see my friend lost 10lbs, good for her!! Now that's my extra boost of motivation for today.

Today I went out to lunch with a few people from a Supplier. I had a salad, scallops, green beans and risotto, and for dessert a bowl of mixed berries with a small scoop of ice cream. Not to shabby at all, and for breakfast I had a Nature Valley granola bar. Not sure about Supper yet :)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Get Back On Track

So I lied, didn't go to the gym the last couple days!! I went today though on my lunch break. 30 minutes on the cross trainer and burned over 200 calories. It's crazy how even just missing a couple days at the gym can throw you off track, and you need to make yourself go back again. I feel great when I do go though! Not everyone likes working out, but you need to find something that you enjoy doing or you will never keep it up. Could be walking, running, machines, fitness classes, yoga, etc etc, try everything until you find what's right for you! As for me, I actually like all forms of exercise. I really enjoy boot camp which I will be starting in January. As for equipment I like the Cross trainer because of the different programs that kick your butt, and I like the treadmill.

Maybe I'll work out on the exercise ball a bit tonight, or punch the boxing bag, haven't done that in a while!!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Tis The Season

Tis the season, and with the season comes goodies galore! Very hard to resist temptation when there are so many Christmas treats, parties with appetizers, candies and chocolates and so on. Don't be afraid of this people! You can still enjoy the season, just limit what you eat. When you are at a party with platters of different appetizers, it's very hard to keep track of how much you are eating. You think, oh just a couple here a couple there, and before you know it, you have a tummy ache! Normally I would eat lots when there's appetizers out, because they are just so scrumptious. This past weekend though, I went to a party and only had a few different ones. I was really happy about this later when I wasn't grumbling about an upset stomach.

As for exercise, I haven't been to the gym in a few days, but I'll be going tonight. Don't worry if you fall off the wagon sometimes, just jump back on when you can!

Also, I don't think I mentioned this before, but I actually started watching what I eat and exercising more before I actually started this blog. After the wedding when we got back to Ontario the beginning of October I decided to get back on track, because since we were engaged Dec of last year, all I could thnk about was WEDDING. Luckily I had a dress that had a corset that expands, otherwise I would have had to squeeze into it on our Wedding day Sept. 25. Since the wedding, I've lost 10 lbs, I'm not tracking inches though, which I should be, since muscle weighs more than fat, maybe I should start doing that!

Ta Ta for now!
